ATE Connects 2022
Mrs. Vernice Yuzi, Science Chair at the Palau Community College, and Ms. Lauren Wetzell, Education Specialist at the University of Hawaii at Mānoa, participated at the NSF sponsored ATE Connects Principal Investigators Conference 2022, Reconnecting & Advancing the Skilled Technical Workforce, in Washington, DC, this October. The event brought together more than 850 NSF ATE grantees and partners to discuss the future in technological education. The event held a virtual platform followed by a face to face event where presenters participated in both venues.
Mrs. Yuzi and Ms. Wetzell attended a workshop on “Culturally Responsive Teaching & Learning – How to Infuse DEI Across the STEM Curriculum”. They also hosted a conversation hub where they displayed a poster and disseminated two handouts regarding the accomplishments of their NSF ATE program. They met with Dr. Celeste Carter, Lead Program Director for the NSF ATE program, who wanted to learn more about their particular grant project. Mrs. Wetzell was invited to participate at the “Birds of a Feather” event where she discussed with other ATE grantees on their international cross-cultural experiences. Contact for copies of the handouts and/or poster.